BroHawk Moves Mountains

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BroHawk on his Conquered MountainNow BroHawk had many disciples. And they followed him when they learned where he was and asked him questions. And Rocket-Man said, “Brother, show the world how to achieve their goals.” And BroHawk replied, “Most assuredly, with my 2 hands I can move a mountain.” So any goal that his disciples said would be easier to achieve than moving a mountain. And BroHawk chose the most difficult achievement to astonish us. And BroHawk vanished in a Molecular Cloud of Peace Trees from his disciples that they could not see which mountain he was moving. Yet BroHawk proved that anything is possible, by going to the Mountain every day and throwing stones to move the Mountain. And the Love-Haters said, “We have millions of dollars to blast the mountain and clear a road.” So BroHawk went to the Mountain every day and threw more stones, and spent many hours throwing stones. As he who is without sin shall cast the 1st stone. And so BroHawk casted stones like a handful of sand. Now the mortals below saw BroHawk throwing stones and CNN journalist Suzanne of the Malveaux Tribe came and asked, “Why are you moving this Mountain?”   Buy the Holy Book of BroHawk, for the rest of the story…